General Information
Job Description
Administer operate and maintain JRM network equipment and associated systems on the JRM PE and PSNET networks All change actions will be documented via RFC and in a continuous maintenance log available to all CIO J6 personnel Update drawings and configuration control documents as required to maintain as built drawings in a continuous state of accuracy Perform software and hardware upgrades as required on all network devices to ensure all Information Assurance Vulnerability Alerts IAVAs and similar documents Computer Task Orders CTOs and other security related tasking is applied as required by current Government directives Ensure system documentation is updated as required to reflect that application of any upgrades Work with the Regional Information Assurance Manager IAM and assistants to provide technical guidance for the completion of various related security documents for all changes etc RMF Develop documentation coordinate application and implement directed network configuration management standards as they apply to JRM IT infrastructure throughout the Region Coordinate with network transport administrators and associated personnel to ensure information required for network configuration management is maintained in an accurate and complete condition Assist in the migration of IT systems from Legacy networks to JRM PE or PSNET The goal is to eventually remove all IT systems from Legacy networks and shut them down Work toward upgrading the Legacy systems to make them adhere to JRM PE or PSNET IT standards so they can be migrated Performs other position related duties as assigned depending on assignment setting